Tech Shed Frome logo


Bringing together people with an interest in technology, to make useful things for the community of Frome.

Last Sunday of the month 2pm - 4pm
The Remakery, The Welshmill Hub, Frome
view map

We also have online meetings every other week. Email the team for more details.

Learn more
Tech Shed Team on a breadboard
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What is Tech Shed Frome?

A group of technology enthusiasts that meet each week in social space to ‘tinker’. We believe that if we put together people who love technology we can make some useful things for the community.

What do you mean by technology?
Everything from Arduinos, Raspberry Pi, drones, soldering, programming, lasers, websites, apps, VR, 3d printers. See our .

Give us a challenge!
If you think you've got a local community problem that needs fresh thinking, or drop in and say hello.
Tech Shed Group photo


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What happens at Tech Shed Frome?

Monthly Sessions
We meet the last Sunday of the month from 2-4pm at The Welsh Mill Hub, to socialise, share, learn and create.

Online Sessions
We also have online meetings every other week. Email the team for more details.

Open Days
We have occasional open days and public workshops. For example we've held a 'Build an air quality sensor workshop' for anyone in Frome to come and learn how to build their own sensor for the Clean Air Frome project .

Working on projects
We connect with the town council, businesses, and local people to create interesting and technological solutions that benefit the community.
Can I help out on a project?

Yes! Take a look at who should get involved to see what sort of role you might like to take. To see on-going projects, take a look at our problem board

Can I work on my own thing and just tinker?

Yes! Whatever it is, if it's your own interest, or you want to just play and learn.

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Who should get involved?

We welcome everyone who’s interested in the community and using technology to make it a better place.

Below are some of the useful roles that members can bring to Tech Shed Frome.

Whatever you language, whether PHP, Python, C++, Java, Ruby, Javascript, HTML, or CSS we want it all.

Organisers & Communicators
You love to herd cats, work out what needs doing and make things happen. Or perhaps you can communicate complex ideas in simple ways to any audience?

UXers, graphic or brand designers that can make things simple, easy and beautiful all at the same time.

Maybe you just play with a bit of everything from electronics and programming to lasers, 3d printing.. whatever it's all welcome.
people gathering at Tech Shed Frome
Can I chat to someone before I come?

Sure, drop the Tech Shed team a message before and we will do our best to make you feel at home.

Will you fix my laptop or tech kit?

We don’t fix stuff on our own, but if you bring it along you may find another member can help or give you pointers. It can be your next project.

I don’t feel very confident about technology am I welcome?

Yes! Whilst we don’t offer lessons or any courses, if you are willing to try, mess it up and try again, a member will be happy to show you the basics. You might also be interested in coming to a more structured open day.

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What do Tech Shed Frome members get?

Picture of Tech Shed Kit
Just a snapshot of some of the great kit we've got to play with. See something missing? Let us know and we'll do our best to get it.

Access to , with plenty of fun things you can play and tinker with. A member will always be happy to show you the basics.

A social space to hang out, learn and chat with bright and interesting people who are curious about playing with technology.

A chance to make a difference and impact in your local community.

Our Community Forum to chat and share ideas.

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Join Techshed Frome

We’re so glad you're interested in Tech Shed Frome. Pop in and say hello.

Last Sunday of month 2-4pm
@Welshmill Hub, Park Hill Dr, Frome BA11 2LE
view map

or join one of the online sessions on alternate Wednesday evenings

Membership fee

Free - Your first monthly session (and all online sessions)
£5 - Annual membership fee
£3 - per monthly session

Join Tech Shed

Concession rates available, contact the team on

Join our mailing list for updates
We treat your personal data with care, view our privacy notice.