Last Sunday of the month 2pm - 4pm
The Remakery, The Welshmill Hub, Frome
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We also have online meetings every other week. Email the team for more details.
Yes! Take a look at who should get involved to see what sort of role you might like to take. To see on-going projects, take a look at our problem board
Can I work on my own thing and just tinker?Yes! Whatever it is, if it's your own interest, or you want to just play and learn.
Sure, drop the Tech Shed team a message before and we will do our best to make you feel at home.
Will you fix my laptop or tech kit?We don’t fix stuff on our own, but if you bring it along you may find another member can help or give you pointers. It can be your next project.
I don’t feel very confident about technology am I welcome?Yes! Whilst we don’t offer lessons or any courses, if you are willing to try, mess it up and try again, a member will be happy to show you the basics. You might also be interested in coming to a more structured open day.
Access to , with plenty of fun things you can play and tinker with. A member will always be happy to show you the basics.
A social space to hang out, learn and chat with bright and interesting people who are curious about playing with technology.
A chance to make a difference and impact in your local community.
Our Community Forum to chat and share ideas.
Last Sunday of month 2-4pm
@Welshmill Hub, Park Hill Dr, Frome BA11 2LE
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or join one of the online sessions on alternate Wednesday evenings